Viva Wellness

Coenzyme Q10

COQ10 is one of the most significant antioxidants found in every cell working with your body to reduce free radicals and in providing protection in your system for production of proteins, lipids and DNA. COQ10 is also involved in energy production as well as protecting your brain, heart and muscles. It will also help with reducing blood pressure and brain fog.

Benefits of Coenzyme Q10:

+ Helps lower blood pressure
+ May help prevent heart conditions and migraines
+ Assists with energy production & quickening metabolism
+ Protection against free radicals and toxins damaging to your cell walls
+ Helps with any brain fog and increases mental clarity

Foods Coenzyme Q10 Can Be Found In:

  • Salmon (fatty fish)
  • Organ Meats
  • Chicken
  • Tuna
  • Olive Oil
  • Spinach
  • Nuts
  • Oranges

IV Drips Coenzyme Q10 Can Be Found In

Man Power

Man Power IV infusion is an IV drip formulated to offer most of the benefits most men ask for such as muscle recovery, weight loss, energy boost, improved blood circulation, immunity boosting and mental clarity vitamins. Man Power IV therapy also aids in enhancement of blood circulation that in turn helps with blood pressure, promotes hormone balance and powerful immune boosting antioxidants all mixed into one powerful IV infusion designed for men's needs.Ingredients: B-Complex, B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, L-Arginine, CoQ10 IM Shot


CoQ10 helps to regulate your blood sugar levels, heart health and aids with mental clarity.
Ingredients: Mental Clarity, Blood Sugar & Heart Health

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